W/out some old friends, Trump swoops in for cash and cred
As Trump arrives in Wisconsin to pick up campaign cash and a few photos ops at a Milwaukee business - - and while our warming planet is further heating through Trump's enabling, New Orleans, again, is flooding, his Foxconn deal is unraveling and migrant children are wasting away in Trump's abusive cages on the southern border - - it's worth noting you won't see former state GOP shooting stars Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus anywhere near the President to whom they had recently sold their souls.

A new book details their moral and political failures in the face of Trump's piggish misogyny - - not to mention cascade of continuing scandals and lies, but credit them with perhaps a smidgen of decency for at least removing themselves from much of the public sphere.
Leaving only Walker among those Wisconsin young GOP guns, circa 2010, still happy to live in Trump SuckupLand, sharing a mutual survival pact with a core that does not extend beyond office-holding that feeds needy egos which have no bottom.
From the horse's mouth, as he left office in search of paid speaking, Twitter fame and Trump's approval:

A new book details their moral and political failures in the face of Trump's piggish misogyny - - not to mention cascade of continuing scandals and lies, but credit them with perhaps a smidgen of decency for at least removing themselves from much of the public sphere.
Leaving only Walker among those Wisconsin young GOP guns, circa 2010, still happy to live in Trump SuckupLand, sharing a mutual survival pact with a core that does not extend beyond office-holding that feeds needy egos which have no bottom.
From the horse's mouth, as he left office in search of paid speaking, Twitter fame and Trump's approval:
“I’m going to help chair [Trump’s] and Vice President Pence’s re-election campaign here in Wisconsin,” Walker said. “I want to be a part of making sure that we keep this president, this administration intact.”
1 comment:
Was he at the event? With the Epstein allegations and release of the charges against Trump I wonder if Walker is regretting this choice.
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