Friday, September 1, 2017

WI GOP hypocrites said highway pork serving too small

Wisconsin Republicans say they don't like big government, and to prove their principled beliefs have turned down during the Walker years more than a billion federal dollars to finance job-creating Amtrak rail line construction, passenger train assembly, Medicaid and rural broadband services - - details here - - yet these phonies and hacks are griping that they only got $66 million in supplemental federal highway dollars after asking that big federal government without shame or contradiction for six times more to help pay for the bloated road-building binge they ordered but can't pay for.

Though Foxconn is to get the highway widening which Robin Vos is pushing, so we know where that $66 millions is going.

Meet the Hypocrite-in-Chief:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Walker came out with his "Big idea" to ask the Federal government for more money there was a great Hands on WI cartoon showing Walker sprinkling fairy dust on the highways. So accurate.