Translating Ryan: 'One-percenters' tax breaks still #1 GOP priority'
The Ryan/Trump 'health care' plan was always about delivering greater wealth to the rich rather than good health to everyone else; inept US House Speaker and over-hyped wonk Paul Ryan

told big GOP donors - - not health care providers or Medicaid recipients or working-class voters in rural America - - that he's on the case and will deliver the goods:
Reinforced by his selection of and support for House Intelligence Committee chairman and House Intelligence investigation fixer Devin Nunes.
This was my take earlier this week:
And the word is getting out:
The Death of Paul Ryan, Policy Genius

told big GOP donors - - not health care providers or Medicaid recipients or working-class voters in rural America - - that he's on the case and will deliver the goods:
...a plan was being developed in time to brief the donors at a retreat scheduled for Thursday and Friday in Florida. His remarks indicated that Republicans may be trying to regroup more quickly than Ryan had suggested they would on Friday, when he declared Obamacare “the law of the land” for the foreseeable future.
“When we’re in Florida, I will lay out the path forward on health care and all the rest of the agenda,” Ryan said in the call Monday, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. “I will explain how it all still works, and how we’re still moving forward on health care with other ideas and plans. So please make sure that if you can come, you come — it will be good to look at what can feasibly get done and where things currently stand. But know this: We are not giving up.”Ryan always benefited from comparisons to the likes of full-on dolts like Louis Gohmert or Glenn Grothman, but last week proved a failure at Speakership and this week is playing the partisan/fund-raising fool.
Reinforced by his selection of and support for House Intelligence Committee chairman and House Intelligence investigation fixer Devin Nunes.
This was my take earlier this week:
Paul Ryan and his failed wonkology
"Wonkology" is my term for ideology + buzzwords, and there's no bigger believer in it and its toxic detachment from everyday human reality than Wisconsin GOP Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan.
And the word is getting out:The Death of Paul Ryan, Policy Genius
He's always been more con artist than wonk. After the health-care fiasco, the whole world knows it.
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