Thursday, December 9, 2010

One Train-Related Business In Madison Already Calling It Quits

Another Scott Walker success!

Wisconsin moving backward.


Anon Jim said...

What an absolute and total red herring.

So exactly how many businesses has the existing Chicago-Milwaukee Amtrak train spawned in the expensively re-vamped Intermodal station?

They could not even begin to fill the space in the building itself, much less in the surrounding area.

And exactly when was Berge going to open this restaurant?

The Madison end of the train was going to be years off, without even taking into account the lawsuits that would have halted it's development in Madison proper.

Guess those are some inconvenient truths.

James Rowen said...

So the restaurant owner is a liar. You know better than a guy who is willing to be interviewed, by name, no less.