Thursday, December 9, 2010

As Waukesha Scrambles To Address The DNR's Diversion Questions, Consider These 23 Wasted Months

I posted a number of items this past week about the DNR's long list of questions to Waukesha about the city's stalled Lake Michigan diversion application - - with a summary post, here - - but I want to point you also to something equally noteworthy:

The list of detailed questions and concerns mirroring the DNR's concerns that was published 23 months ago by a coalition of environmental organizations.

Waukesha posted a response to the groups' questions six months later - - you can find them on the city's diversion application website,

But Waukesha would be much further down the road with a more substantive application - - far beyond the one with deficiencies catalogued for repair by the DNR all these many months later - - had the city better appraised and absorbed these concerns.

Here is the link to the group's questions. It's titled:

"Questions regarding Waukesha's proposed Lake Michigan diversion plan-full version"

Enough said.

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