Saturday, October 16, 2010

Walker's Parsing Routine Will Not Stem Barrett Tide

Scott Walker is trying to walk back his anti-embryonic stem cell message that he calculated would sufficiently appease his base on the far right.

That's because he knows its a job-killing, anti-science and unpopular position that will provoke a large, bipartisan majority in Madison and Dane County For Tom Barrett.

And elsewhere among the R&D community and in university circles in swing cities like Eau Claire, Green Bay and Kenosha.

Or in households where stem-cell research offers hope to people with life-threatening diseases.

Walker The Parsifier.

Politics first, clarifications and denials later.

What a woefully transparent candidate.

His campaign said it will take no more questions on the issue.

Parsing, followed by stone-walling - - until a need for further damage control renders that position inoperative, too.

Sound like a confident bunch to you?

Or a campaign that even has a values-based position on the question?

Walker's rhetorical zigzagging - -  'I meant these research dollars over here, not those research dollars over there' is reminiscent of Walker's quick assignment of blame to a contractor for the fatal O'Donnell Park facade collapse - - as the investigation had barely begin - - followed by a retraction of sorts.

Or his on-again, off-again, on-again objection to and acceptance of stimulus funding.

With Walker, it has always been political calculation first, then whatever editing is needed to look less incompetent.

Who wants governance by parsification?

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