Take action now. Demand change. Crises created by corporations and their legislative allies are unacceptable. Clean, safe water is a necessity and a right. Background, hearing locations, comment links and address, below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a surplus of documentation about Wisconsin's rural well water nitrate contamination crisis - - examples, here and here - - and ad infinitum back to at least 2015:
Nitrate in water widespread, current rules no match for it
In fact, The New York Times came to rural Wisconsin a year ago and posted this story a year ago come this Sunday:
Rural America's Own Private Flint; Polluted Water Too Dangerous to Drink
ARMENIA, Wis. — The groundwater that once ran cool and clean from taps in this Midwestern farming town is now laced with contaminants and fear. People refuse to drink it. They won’t brush their teeth with it. They dread taking showers.
Rural communities call it their own, private Flint — a diffuse, creeping water crisis tied to industrial farms and slack regulations that for years has tainted thousands of residential wells across the Midwest and beyond.
So when you weigh in at next week's long overdue round of state rule-revision hearings, or send in a written comment (directions below) make sure you emphasize that the foot-dragging has got to stop, as Kewaunee County clean water activist Nancy Utesch explained nearly a year ago. Manure flowing from a Kewaunee CAFO several years ago. And note that the manure discharge show below from one of 16 major animal feeding operations in Kewaunee County alone is a repetitive event: This post from River Alliance of Wisconsin has the hearing schedule, comment links and excellent analysis. Let me also say that the scheduling of all the hearings long distances from Kewaunee County, and the concentration of so many large animal feeding operations in NE Wisconsin, is ridiculous.
Source: Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council Report to the Legislature 2018, (DNR)
We know the health risks posed by consuming nitrate-contaminated water.
We know which parts of the state have high nitrates in their water and which soils are most susceptible for nitrate contamination.
We know the primary source of nitrate pollution is runoff from agriculture.
We know—to begin to address this problem—we need targeted solutions to help farmers reduce their runoff and impact on our waters, and still continue to be profitable...
Please take a moment to submit comments to the DNR by November 8th.
The very simple message is (you can personalize, copy and paste):
I approve of the scope statement 077-19 for rule WT-19-19. Wisconsin’s nitrate contamination problems need to be addressed. The DNR needs to be allowed to start the process of engaging stakeholders to determine the targeted performance standards in places that have both high levels of nitrate and highly susceptible soils. The health of people and our waters can’t wait any longer for solutions.
NOTE: If you have a personal story about high nitrates in your well water, or if you are a farmer that has taken or is willing to take steps to reduce nitrates, please add a that to your comments to the DNR.
Brian Weigel; Dept. of Natural Resources, Bureau of Watershed Management P.O. Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921....
If you would like to attend a hearing in person, the dates and locations are:
Hearing 1 | Hancock, WI:
November 4, 2019
1PM to 2:30PM
Hancock Research Station; Headquarters Building N3909 County Road V; Hancock, Wisconsin
Hearing 2 | Janesville, WI:
November 6, 2019
1PM to 2:30PM
Blackhawk Technical College; Room 1400B (North Commons) 6004 South County Road G; Janesville, Wisconsin
Hearing 3 | Fond du Lac, WI:
November 7, 2019
1:30pm to 3PM
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Fond du Lac Campus Room UC-114 (also known as “Large Group Instructional Room”) 400 University Drive; Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Waukesha County, Republican pols failed to kill it.
The Calatrava Addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum
Sunset on the lakefront, summer 2018
Milwaukee River empties into Lake Michigan
Wisconsin wind farm, east of Waupun
86 turbines overcame Walker's blockade
Skylight illumination in Milwaukee City Hall
The historic 19th-century building has stone floors, copper decoration, and iron work by the famous artisan Cyril Kolnic. Stop in and walk around.
What water, wetland protection is all about
"A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist. Our navigable waters are a precious natural heritage, once gone, they disappear forever," wrote the Wisconsin Supreme Court in its 1960 opinion resolving Hixon v. PSC and buttressing The Public Trust Doctrine, Article IX of the Wisconsin State Constitution.
Lake Michigan in winter
Milwaukee skyline
James Rowen's Bio
James Rowen is an independent writer based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He worked as the senior Mayoral staffer in Madison and Milwaukee and for newspapers in both cities. This blog began on 2/2/ 2007.
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