Friday, January 23, 2015

Menominee Nation, Kenosha get Walker's Iowa-First lesson

It isn't about you, Walker tells them with his casino veto. It's about him, his Iowa chances and bowing to the message sent to him just last weekend that Iowans don't like politicians who like gambling.
Influential social conservatives in Iowa are warning Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker that approving a proposed Kenosha casino next month could hurt his presidential bid.
In one of the first tests of his second term, Walker must decide by Feb. 19 whether to approve the $800 million project proposed by the Menominee tribe and backed by Hard Rock International, owned by the Seminole tribe of Florida.
So Walker jumped the gun and sent Iowa conservatives the news they wanted to hear before he shows up at Tea Party events there courting far-right vote.

Good thing Iowa's milk producers didn't tell Walker they didn't want to see any more dairy expansion here.

As for the Menominee and some Kenosha business leaders back home? Well - - Kenosha County and neighboring Racine County both went for Walker in 2014, so he got what he needed at the time- - and anyone unhappy about the casino veto today can join the list of the pawns in his game.

And, of course, Walker the finger-pointer resorted to form and blamed Jim Doyle for the decision, as Walker has done on everything he's botched - - from Amtrak funding to job creating.

What a wimp.

Walker '16.

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