Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Not Letting Offensive T-Shirt Sellers Ruin State Fair

State Fair is still a blast despite the group Republicans for Sliming Wisconsin selling their garbage:

So what do we still love about the Fair (fudge and fish boils, yes; cream puffs, no. Sorry.)? Well..

Capitalism is alive and well on West Allis lawns, the small animal barn is always a hit, and where else could you see acrobats moving an apparatus around like this? Check out the wheels and gears on that thing.


Gareth said...

I just happened to be in a Gander Mountain store the other day on a non-guns&ammo shopping trip. The store has an entire section devoted to gun-nut t-shirts, including an NRA branded kiosk. My favorite was: "Bullets Make Me Happy" with "I Don't Fire Warning Shots" a close second. In my opinion, the trivialization of gun violence is due to our nation being in perpetual war since the 1960s, both abroad and at home, resulting in a degenerate, cultural gallows-humor.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Well, I still prefer Summerfest.

But the FIRST robotics demos were fun, and the people were all having a great time; the people working and directing were pleasant and helpful; so yeah, a few crappy t-shirts didn't have the power that the sellers imagine.

Just like a gun doesn't have the magic anti-evil power that they imagine.