Saturday, December 4, 2010

Train Line Operating Costs Falling; Walker Still Says "No"

Lowered-operating cost estimates for the train line between Milwaukee and Madison?

Gov.-elect and train-basher Scott Walker still says "no."

Because it was never about money. The minuscule state operating contribution for the federally-funded train pales in comparison to the billions Walker is fine with pouring into various interstate expansions from Madison to the Dells, and throughout SE Wisconsin and even replacing, as is, the Hoan Bridge, though WisDOT thinks that cost at $250 million is unjustified given less-expensive alternatives available.

For talk radio-driven Republicans like Walker, rail is vote-getting anti-city political code.

And opposing it while praising and spending billions on highways serves to pamper Republican special interests, like the road-builders, the oil companies, and car-centered suburbanites.


Clementine said...

I wish that someone clever with time on his or her hands would write a parody of "Green Eggs and Ham" with Scott Walker in the role of Sam I Am.

Would you like them on a train? Would you like them in the rain?

In a box? With some lox?
And so on.

terryamerson said...

No rational private sector business would EVER refuse an $820 Million dollar Federal Grant. This is particularly true in light of the high profile, regional significance of this project. To blame the relatively miniscule operating costs for this colossally arrogant position is specious and disingenuous.
That "Train Wreck" Walker seems so casually inclined to refuse this enormous job producing "Gift" demonstrates a total lack of vision, and limited common sense.
Accepting this funding and keeping Wisconsin regionally connected and regionally significant should be his first priority.