A WI GOP legislator explains why local roads' potholes will remain
Legislators love to cut ribbons and please the road-builders - - not the pothole fillers so much, or people who drive into what became known in Wisconsin as Scottholes before a costly trip to the repair shop -

- - so along with $252 million spent on I-94 across the Foxconn zone to soothe Robin Vos' ego and pave his future - - here's to $133 million down the drain, along with land, trees and common sense.

- - so along with $252 million spent on I-94 across the Foxconn zone to soothe Robin Vos' ego and pave his future - - here's to $133 million down the drain, along with land, trees and common sense.
"It was literally 20 years ago that they wanted to start this project, now we're FINALLY here." Check out my full interview on the Highway 23 expansion with
@Radioplusnews here:
And earlier, here:
And earlier, here:
It is so rewarding to see the construction plans for expanding WIS 23 finally take off after years of effort. I applaud all the lawmakers who have tirelessly advocated for WIS 23’s expansion over the past 20 years.
Issuing a reader challenge: How many flat tires have you (Jim's readers) had in the past year? Me: 1 and it was a brand new tire. It was hard to avoid that deep pothole on I94. My nephew: 3 because he lives in Milwaukee. How about you all?
I drive very little these days, but I blew a new tire in a pothole two years ago.
Blew a tire with about half of it's expected tread life just a month ago
Over the last 3 years we have gone through so many tires, we have 3 cars, one for the kids. Not to mention suspension issues, etc. I would say that we have laid out thousands Thanks to the Scottholes. I am begging my rep to raise taxes to fix the roads, it would cost me less money.
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