WI GOP's Financing FUBAR, or, When Geniuses Attack
Just the smarty-pants fiscal conservatives you'd want routing $4 billion to Foxconn and still writing the next state budget:
And this is the guy leading a national push for a balanced budget?
You might as well name Donald Trump permanent chairman of The Respect the Constitution Committee.
In fact, Walker would have no problem with his campaign being put on a credit card:
Just find a rich friend and stick you hand out, and problem solved.
Republican Party maxed out credit card, racked up $600 in monthly interest as it tried to save Scott Walker
The report concluded the state party was “essentially outsourced” to Walker’s campaign and was “a top-down bureaucracy, disconnected from local activists (and) recklessly reliant on outside consultants...”
Toward the end of last year’s campaign, the party funneled $4 million toward Walker’s unsuccessful re-election bid, the report says. That was more than the party could bear financially.
And this is the guy leading a national push for a balanced budget?
You might as well name Donald Trump permanent chairman of The Respect the Constitution Committee.
In fact, Walker would have no problem with his campaign being put on a credit card:
Scott Walker financial disclosure reveals high-interest credit card debtThe story also explains how big donor Diane Hendricks wrote the party a check to help pay off its credit card debt - - and that sheds light on why Republicans have no interest in helping students resolve their education loan or credit card.
Just find a rich friend and stick you hand out, and problem solved.

1 comment:
....and then kick back those donations from oligarchs that bailed you out with more tax cuts and bills to shift more power to the ownership class.
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin
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