Monday, March 5, 2012

Feature Story On Walker Ten Years Ago Worth A Read

Some interesting nuggets in a story I don't remember seeing about Walker in a long Journal Sentinel piece - - the link will take you to an archive of photocopied pages from the paper and you can go backwards through the archive to read the beginning of the story - - prior to his win in 2002 for Milwaukee County Executive:

* Walker said in the story that his appearances on conservative Sunday morning TV talk shows were like free advertising for his campaign.

Critics who claim these shows provide something of value unfairly to their frequent conservative guests can point for validation to Walker's own words  - - that being on the Belling and Sykes TV programs were "almost like having run a large amount of TV."

* He tried to manipulate a judge hearing a youthful Walker's speeding ticket by wearing a borrowed jacked with a charitable logo.

* He says he left Marquette University with one semester to go before graduation, but I thought he quit MU with about a full year, or about 30 credits, to go. His reason for leaving - - a run for the Assembly and a part-time job at IBM selling warranties on mainframe computers  - -still raises a questions.


Anonymous said...

He signed the recall petition for Ament.

Anonymous said...

i thought he claimed he left college to work for the red cross.