Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obama Wins In Iowa Voting Tuesday. Twice.

He wins both the Democratic vote and also wins through the Republican order of finish, too.

Party activists Tuesday night reject Romney 3:1, with a p.o.'ed Newt Gingrich aiming his rhetorical skills beginning tomorrow to further shred establishment pretty-boy Mitt Romney.

So right now, Right now, it looks like a fractured Republican party - - destabilized daily by its Libertarian and Tea Party fringe-dwellers - - will either nominate a weakened and unappealing Romney, or perhaps even an out-of-the-mainstream reactionary, like Rick ("Don't Google Me") Santorum.

Advantage, President Obama.


Anonymous said...

Romney will win the nomination and choose a tea party loon/"social conservative" as VP to shore up the Bible-thumper base. Thus the stage will be set. It will be a tough campaign, and those on the left disillusioned with Obama had best line up with him. Because if the GOP gets both houses and the presidency, we can kiss goodbye almost everything that makes this a fair and just society. So long to national healthcare, Social Security, Medicare, and all sorts of essential government services because, after all, we "can't raise taxes on the job creators."

Reagan's Disciple said...

This is how the primaries go. It is a fight for the party support. Once one is elected, they will unite whether republican or democrat.

Lest you forget the Obama/Hillary battle only 4 years ago. The democrats had a bitter split yet came together when needed. Although I see your nervousness with in running a guy like Obama against a polished politician with conservative principles like Romney.

As for the Santorum google issues, While many of your immature supporters think to themselves, "Wow, are we funny!" Trust me, it does nothing but alienate the middle of the road people.

Whether you support or dislike a candidate regardless of which side of the aisle you are on, I am proud to say that I am not associated with that type of childish behavior. Nor do I condone it with snarky posts.

Stay classy liberals.

Anonymous said...

Pardon my non-excitement.
Keystone pipeline will be a YES, the Terrorist-bullshit erosion of basic civil rights is already a yes, the gulf is a mess, no one is ever gonna be locked up or even charged w/ bankster crimes or environmental crimes, and I know you already know the whole long list so I'll save us both the bother of continuing on till hell won't have it.
Plus, it's all so depressing.

Obama's a tool and the uber-wealthy have won. I figure having elections serves 2 main purposes. One, it makes a bunch of people a lot of money, two, it's just a way for the behind-the-scenes people who are really running the show to gauge public sentiment. Like market-testing a product. Nothing more than that. Just a question of packaging for greatest possible sales. So it's only a question of HOW DRASTIC all the social/governmental re-engineering plans move along to their inevitable conclusions. If Obama wins, he obediently spoon feeds us all a little slower. If a Republican wins that means they can just go full bore knowing there will be little public outcry.
Obama is a tool though, and the Tar sands are a'comin and basic rights and services are a-goin
either way and the Iowa Caucus is just another damn Say Goodnight Gracie.

Reagan's Disciple said...

Anonymous #1.

Your claims about the GOP are the traditional scare tactics thrown by the liberals.

Did Bush get rid of SS or Medicare when he was the POTUS?

Was the country not fair and just before national healthcare? Plus, if that goes away great!

It seems as though the only solution you bring about is raising taxes. Is there not one program that you would recommend cutting?

If you are concerned about the GOP getting both houses and the Presidency, perhaps you should look for the reason as to why nobody is supporting the Democrats that are running.