State Rep. Robin Vos Wins Clunky Quote Of The Year Award
Or maybe it's The Grandiosity Prize: you be the judge.
Robin Vos is a Wisconsin Republican State Assemblyman from Burlington, the co-chairman of the budget committee, an opponent of commuter rail, former roommates with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, and the owner several businesses, including RoJo's, a popcorn-making firm - - but a talented wordsmith (or perhaps sagacious manager/editor of staff research?) he is not.
This is Vos' contribution to a long Sunday Journal Sentinel Sunday piece on the politics of rail transit:
"It is the job of every generation to be the Van Helsing who slays the vampire that sucks the taxpayers' blood - that is, the train," said state Rep. Robin Vos (R-Rochester), a leading rail transit opponent.The Grandiosity Prize is suggested by his Van Helsing reference.
That's just weird.
He's the Assembly leadership's choice to serve as Finance Committee co-chair.
So says the short guy.
You slay those evil vampires Mr. Popcorn. Who's going to slay the road builders that suck my taxpaying blood dry?
FYI -tried Rojo's popcorn at the tire dealership and frankly found it way too salty and what is that yellow stuff on it?
let's see if i can out-clunk him:" like van helsing, we all have a stake (in our futures)."
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