Monday, June 13, 2011

What Are Those Scary Protest Crowd Predictions From The GOP All About?

Why, fundraising, of course.

The email message from Friends of Scott Walker asking for donations says, in part

...Not long ago our State Capitol was swarming with out-of-state protesters chanting slogans, shaking signs, and screaming into any open microphone. With a vote on the State Budget within days, they WILL come back to fight our fiscally common sense policies and to scare dedicated lawmakers who have taken a stand to protect middle class families and middle class taxpayers. And who knows what else they have up their sleeve this time?
...You can contribute today safely and securely [...]

Thank you for all of your support. You can take pride that you stand with Governor Walker as we challenge the Big Government Union Bosses and Madison Liberals who want to take our state backwards. We want to move forward!
If I were a betting man, I'd guess the protests will be smaller than those from a few months ago. It all depends on how many rules and laws the Republican majorities want to step on this time.


Anonymous said...

Whoa-ho, I've got voting arms up my sleeves, buddy!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there on Tuesday along with my five year old. THIS is what democracy looks like.
