Friday, June 3, 2011

Madison Attorney Lester Pines Nails The Wisconsin AG's Office

Thanks from us non-attorneys to law and political blogger Tom Foley for the link to the letter lawyer Lester Pines fired off to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court in defense of his client, State Senator Mark Miller - - and of Wisconsin judicial process. It's a great read.

Several months ago, Pines and co-counsel Susan Crawford showed their mettle with a similar smackdown aimed at Republican Senator and Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, and the full text of that letter in a blog posting here still ranks #4 in hits at The Political Environment since Google began tracking such data about a year and more than 2,000 posts ago.


Boxer said...

Thanks, James, for bringing this letter to our attention, and for reminding us of the previous one. They answer the questions I've had ever since the budget repair bill was introduced and protests began: Can this be legal? and Is anyone filing a lawsuit? and WTF?

You raise another good point: why aren't we seeing this in the media?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

The lack of media attention to this (intentionally done by the Sykes-hiring Journal Communications?) is exactly why we need to take to as many outlets as we can to get the reality out there, because a lot of the folks in the Milwaukee area are not getting the full story. The FtizWalkerstan Administration is way off on their interpretations of the law and laughably wrong on their reasoning, so why is that hack Rick Esenberg getting column space and radio time while Lester Pines and Tom Foley are not?

With that in mind, I think taking to the streets and pulling stunts is an appropriate response, since that seems to be the only way to keep drawing attention to these obscene power grabs and corporate giveaways. I wouldn't get carried out of the JFC room, like some of these people are, but I certainly think the time for serious, vocal action is appropriate, if not overdue.

Keep hammering away with the reality, James. It's good work.