Sunday, March 13, 2011

Walker Spoiling For Fight With EPA

This is probably part of The Plan:  pick a fight with big guvmint - - this one over how much phosphorus is allowed to gum up our lakes and rivers, as former DNR water division chief Todd Ambs explains.

As I said a few weeks ago: do you want the feds to come in, or do you want local people to enforce existing federal laws?

If you're Walker, neither - - or whatever offers you the most headlines to a) slow down or end state regulations disliked by big business, or b) raise hell and claim that Barack Obama and the evil EPA are coming in to take away our rights.


Anonymous said...

one of the bigger contributors to Snot Walker's campaign are two hacks from AG Huston Co in Cottage Grove. They are a road construction company who is notorious for polluted runoff. They did Monona Drive in Monona last year and hemorraged thousands and thousands of pounds of toxic runoff into the Yahara River at the Beltline. Their cement truck operator was also caught washing pigmented cement waste into the storm sewers.

They gave $$$ to the wanker and now they want payback. Keep your eyes out for this unethical company as our water quality rules are destroyed.

Riverkeeper said...

It is important to keep stressing that phosphorus is not only bad for water, but it threatens our ability to enjoy our local waterways and beaches--to get a visual of that walk along Lake Michigan, Lake Monona, or Tainter Lake. Water based tourism is a $12-15 billion industry in this state. We also have more out of state fishing permits than any other state besides Florida. Folks will not come here if our waterways are disgusting. This isn't hyperbole either, its happening today. Besides hurting the economy, its also destroying quality of life for many residents that enjoy fishing and swimming and have lost that use due to polluters making a buck.