Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Night Massacre, Walker-Style, On Tap

If he indeed sends out the preliminary layoff notices he's threatened to release, look for Walker to do it at the close of business Friday, as the news cycle winds down. I'm sure no one in Madison will notice.

[Friday, late afternoon update: Apparently there's something of a delay, as some sort of (gasp!) negotiations have been allowed to transpire between Republicans and Democrats.]

We'll follow the rest of his weekend activities through the tweets someone writes for him:

Samples - -

Governor Walker
Be safe on the roads tonight. There is plenty of slush on the ground.
Governor Walker
Had some chili w/Tonette as we watched @.

Governor Walker
Got this sticker from a union print shop in Sheboygan. Thx guys!


RW said...

WPR, in the 3:30 state report segment, reported that the notices didn't go out, as promised. DOA needs more time to notify unions.

Heard anything about that missed refinance deadline?

Art Hackett said...

I heard the WPR report, too. I'm no expert on state employee contracts but you would think someone in DER would have told him what he was planning wouldn't work.

1. He didn't ask.
2. People at DER are out to sabotage him and didn't call to warn him.
3. They warned him and did it anyway.

Marty Biel knows the rules backward and forwards and was probably laughing himself silly knowing Walker was headed full speed into a wall.