Sunday, March 20, 2011

Boycotts Cause Arizona To Rethink, Soften Anti-Immigration Stance

Money talks loudly when it walks away over politics from a state by the tens of millions of dollars, Arizona discovers, so it has put aside several bills that would have hardened an already tough anti-immigration position.

Food for thought should boycott backers in Wisconsin protesting Scott Walker's union-bashing go national.

1 comment:

Brittanicus said...

The Tea Party that is grown into a membership of tens of millions, will rid the corruption from Washington, which also includes the collusion in State legislators. Currently the Tea Party is discussing the--BOYCOTT--of corporations and businesses that used veiled threats to overturn the harsh policing laws and illegal immigration enforcement in Arizona. America cannot afford to pander to economic immigrants, that has risen to over 20 million. Instant citizenship for babies of pregnant Mothers to slip through the US Border Patrol, to intentionally take advantage of US taxpayers. Thousands who have evacuated the great State of Arizona, will be en route to California, Nevada, Colorado and of course Utah. Astronomic costs in Sanctuary States and the complete and utter determination of the government not building the--REAL--fence or pushing unfunded mandates in catering to illegal immigrants and forcing taxpayers to pay for their health care, education and a inundated prison system. With the hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the low income, uneducated foreigners--would go a long way in solving America's movement towards insolvency.


Other illegal aliens and their families will search for other States to settle. Southern States are less welcoming and will certainly be located, with Tennessee and more rigid enforcement States ready to hand them over to ICE. Others illegal immigration laws, didn't get enough votes to pass. It seems that a majority of those corporations who signed the US Arizona Chamber of Commerce viewed threat letter to the State Senate were in the construction industry. In actual fact Contractors and Sub-Contractors are a very large dirty business owner hiring illegal alien workers, while 10 million US citizens and people with legal residency are searching for jobs. Anybody whose interested in stopping the illegal alien invasion to save their jobs and stop illegal aliens pilfering the welfare entitlement programs, should contact your local TEA PARTY. Watch for illegal alien voting in elections, using the absentee ballot that is easy to forge as in New Mexico, New York and--OTHER??