Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The NRA Wins! Concealed Carry Training Requirements Suspended

It took the GOP legislature a week to suspend the rules it just passed governing training requirements - - four hours: can you believe how tough that was? - -  to carry a hidden weapon in Wisconsin. Open Season on everyone and anyone!


nonquixote said...

And a WI blogger threatens to, "castle," recall volunteers coming onto his property.


OWS and Keystone XL demonstrators arrested for free speech, but I predict this person gets a free pass. IOKIYAR

Reagan's Disciple said...

Hooray for the WI Constitution!

@Nonquixote... how about the post on "We Are WI" where they threatened to kill Scott Walker and left the post up for days?

Interesting how one threat is derided and the other is looked at as an afterthought.

The hypocrisy certainly runs rampant!

nonquixote said...

@RD 12:40 PM

Apparently you missed the point of my comment. I predicted nothing will happen to this person for suggesting that he might use flawed Republican legislation in what I perceive as a real threat to do bodily harm to citizens of this state. I doubted this potential threat will even be investigated.

Where did I deride any other potential threat to anyone or say anything about the prior threats against the, "Governor?"

The threats to Walker were duly investigated and if I recall correctly, prosecuted. I am waiting to see what will happen to this bozo, "American."

Please at least TRY coming up with a logical and applicable comment if you addressing something that I wrote.

I know it must be tough to find a reason to stick to partisan myopathy in defending a scared and weak individual who threatens to use the castle doctrine instead of his intellect to argue a political point.

If the comment I initially refered to isn't strictly bottom of the barrel stupid, please enlighten us all.

Reagan's Disciple said...

I wasn't defending the comments by anyone, rather just pointing out how the left consistently reacts when threats are directed towards them vs. how they respond to threats directed at republicans.

I don't recall anyone from the left calling for the threats to Walker or Republican senators to stop. I also do not recall anyone calling for prosecutions of the perpetrators (teachers) making the death and bomb threats.

Besides, you played the IOKIYAR card and I again just pointed out the double standard which exists. Sort of IOKIYAD. What is the difference? There are foolish comments from both sides and I'll call them both as such. Will you call out the assaults, death threats and bomb threats from the left as what they are?

Reagan's Disciple said...

BTW - Why should you need 4 hours of training? Why not 12, 24, 48, 72, or 1000 hours of training?

An individual can currently "Open Carry" a weapon in WI without any training at all.

Does an individual really need 4 hours of training to put on a coat or sweatshirt?

While I do believe that there should be some training requirement, the hours that JBV came up with were arbitrary. These rules will be finalized before they officially go into effect. Right now we are under "emergency rules."

gnarlytrombone said...

What is the difference?

The difference is one is a Facebook yahoo none of us has ever heard of, and the other is Wisconsin Reporter's star columnist and the former "research director" for the Ron Johnson campaign.

Reagan's Disciple said...

I'll wait patiently while one of you lefties tries to bring yourself to condemn the criminal actions of those who made threats towards the republicans....

Feel free to type away....


James Rowen said...

To RD: Of course, I condemn such tactics. And I blogged against the person who committed an offense against Robin Vos with the poured beer.

But you're changing the subject. You've had your say here, so we're done.

Reagan's Disciple said...

Thanks James.

Even though we disagree, you are a stand up guy.

On to the next topic... Ohio