Saturday, July 9, 2011

GOP Power Addicts In Wisconsin Legislature Gerrymander Opponents To Oblivion

In the Post-Walker political world in Wisconsin. where Republicans control all three branches of government and the preferred political tools are heavy hands and sledge hammers, GOP legislative leaders unveil quickie redistricting maps and get rid of swing-distinct Democrats by putting their residences outside the newly-drawn district lines.


gnarlytrombone said...

Nancy Nussbaum's house and the new districts. Subtle.

Anonymous said...

This leaves only one way to destroy the vile GOP snake. Remove its head. Recall Scott Walker with extreme prejudice. They can't redistrict him into a safe seat. No resource or expense should be spared in kicking this scourge out of office.

TJ Rulseh

Anonymous said...

Give a monkey a crayon . . . .

(Actually, I withdraw that comment--most monkeys are more intelligent than our state Republithugs.)

Mortified West Allis Resident said...

West Allis gets royally screwed in this plan. But it is no surprise. Leah Vukmir lost the urban parts of the 5th District in her election race against Jim Sullivan. It was only the high voter percentages that she got from the portions of Waukesha County that gave her the small margin of victory. It is no accident that West Milwaukee (an urban, post-industrial suburb, increasingly Hispanic) was dropped from the 5th District and the district was expanded west almost to Pewaukee. What in earth does West Allis have in common with Elm Grove and Brookfield? West Allis has bakeries NOT cakeries; we have bowling centers NOT the Western Racquet Club; West Allis front porches are actually used for their intended purposes NOT as faux decoration on McMansions. We are an inner-rim suburb that is struggling to escape a rust belt model. I know those specific issues are known to the West Allis Mayor and the east end Alderpersons; I don’t think Sen. Vukmir has any appreciation or concept of those unique issues. Her ideology does not fit the type of reactive remedies and policies which are needed in West Allis.