Walker's WI bests Kansas in food stamp denial
[Updated from 4/25/16, 6:11 p.m.] On, Wisconsin!
While Kansas, the poster state for failed GOP economics, has stripped 15,000 of its citizens of their food stamps:

While Kansas, the poster state for failed GOP economics, has stripped 15,000 of its citizens of their food stamps:
Kansas Governor Justifies Kicking 15,000 People Off Food StampsWalker's Wisconsin has nearly tripled Kansas' cold toll:
Report: 41,000 lost food stamps in Wisconsin last yearWhich brings this to mind:
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2013
Scott Walker: Cutting Govt Aid To The Poor Is LoveAnd this, when it comes to food stamps and health insurance in Wisconsin:
About Walker's "love" for the poor
Nothing shows your "love" for the poor - - watch the video - - then again turning down federal health insurance funding for 57,000 Wisconsin adults supporting a family of four who earn $1 more than $23,850-a-year.So let's finish with this last expression of Walker love:
Scott Walker Strips Wisconsin Workers Of ‘Living Wage’ In New State Budget
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed the new state budget into law on Sunday with a last-minute change that strips the words “living wage” from state laws and replaces it with “minimum wage.”
The change means [$7.25] ]minimum-wage Wisconsin workers will earn nearly $6,000 per year less than what the Massachusetts Institute of Technology calculates is a living wage in the state. And they will have no recourse, according to the Center for American Progress. MIT says a living wage would be $10.13 an hour.And a discussion today that ties this all together:
APR 26, 2016 8:00 AM
Fast Food Industry Looks To Skirt Labor Law, With An Assist From Scott WalkerAnd reminds us how little this man with a state-provided mansion and $144,000 annual salary with unlimited time off to campaign across the country knows or cares about low-income working people:
By Dave Umhoefer on Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 5:00 a.m.
Scott Walker says minimum wage jobs are ‘overwhelmingly’ for young people
That strikes us as overstated given that workers older than 24 make up 45 percent to 49 percent of federal minimum wage workers. Teenagers are less than one-third of the overall low-wage group.
We rate his claim False.
Gosh -- you think this would be a front-page story in our newspapers and on Wisconsin TV. Are you sure this is accurate?
Oh yeah -- Wisconsin's media is all pro-Walker propaganda. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is too busy tellin' us about the great bills their BFF signed today.
And, yet today, Walker is patting himself on the back for doing such a good job. Such a good job that he intends to do it for another four years after this term. I guess he thinks he's Gods gift to Wisconsin.
Minimum wage was never meant to be a "living wage." It was meant for people new to the workforce to prove their value and work there way up.
Work smarter, work harder, ask your supervisor what you can do to help improve yourself... just showing up doesn't constitute a reason for receiving a higher wage.
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