Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GOP Running Fake Candidates In Recalls Is Hypocritical, Immoral

The Machiavellian practice of running fake Democrats by the Wisconsin Republican Party acknowledged again in the current Senate recall campaigns should be condemned, turned against the GOP and outlawed when Democrats take control of the Legislature.

As is it did when the GOP first used the tactic in 2011, it exposes their sanctimonious interest in honest elections (Voter ID) as manipulative, creepy and false.


2 shocked 4 words said...

Politics? Hypocritical and immoral?

Bill Kurtz said...

I wonder how many petitions they sent out for their fake statewide candidates? We received them, and as far as we know we're not on any GOP or right-wing lists.
Also, why are they wasting this money, since there will be Democratic primary contests already?

Betsey said...

This is why I couldn't cross-over vote in the presidential primary today.
I'm leaving the voting dirty tricks to the Republicans.

Diabetic said...

I know and how immoral is it that we are running fake candidates against Walker too. Just disgusting