Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Somebody Must Be Facing A Statewide Recall Election, Chapter 7: Higher Ed's New BF

After massive cuts to higher education, a new plan for enrolling students.


Anonymous said...

Creating a "council" is about as effective as forming a committee. This to me looks like an empty gesture. You can't take the cuts back or you look bad to your corporate masters, so you do this little headline-grabbing stunt to look all progressive and caring. Boy, I really do dislike this man.

Ron R said...

So you're against this plan? For it? Or just want to ridicule it because it was proposed by Walker?

James Rowen said...

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy involved.

Anonymous said...

WASTE AND FRAUD: like lawyer fees defending fraudulent bills deemed legal by currupt judges?

Anonymous said...

Ron R, I am against if of course. You strip hundreds of millions of dollars from education at all levels and then you "form a council" to improve education? Only a clown like Walker could come up with something like this.

Ron R said...

And your evidence that dumping more money in education improves it is where????? Maybe if we instead considered using the money in a better and more efficient manner.