Monday, January 2, 2012

Recall Signatures Rolling In Up North

Here's one media report showing the reach of the recall movement.

The effort is this broad because Walker has offended numerous constituencies in addition to labor.


Jake formerly of the LP said...

Check your 2008 election maps, where almost every county north of Highway 29 went for Obama. I'm feeling it's going to look that way again when Walker gets sent home.

People up North see right through pro-corporate slicksters and liars who want to destroy the great natural resources and beauty their part of the state offers. They're also the ones who have especially been hurt by the cuts to local governments and schools, as there is little tax base to cover for those losses.

It's a hidden story that the Milwaukee and Madison-centric state media hasn't caught onto yet.

JB said...

Very interesting. The article indicates that there are currently 7375 signatures; this is 46.5% of the total vote count (15,866) for the 2010 gubernatorial election, and 613 more than Barrett's total. Not bad!