How The 1% Captured Wisconsin
You can draw a straight line from:
* The Assembly's mining bill written in secret for a Florida firm to decimate the Penokee hills and Bad River watershed in Northern Wisconsin...
* To the paper mill closing demands in Wausau by a hedge fund in New York City...
* To the Heritage Foundation's dominant influence over the Wisconsin Department of Health Services...
* To the financial and policy "knock you on your butt" rightist direction provided by Michael Grebe, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Bradley Foundation (Grebe chaired Walker's 2010 gubernatorial campaign, the transition team and will chair Walker's anti-recall effort)...
* To the out-of-state fund-raisers that began early in 2011 to support Walker and the radical legislature's agendas, and have continued all year long to also boost Scott Walker's recall election war chest.
The Austin, TX Statesman reported Thursday that Walker spoke before a conservative group there and would meet with donors to raise anti-recall donations:
Walker told the enthusiastic audience that helping him fight a recall would have repercussions across the country. Walker described Wisconsin as a potential swing state in the 2012 presidential election and said supporting his fight against a recall election would help Republicans win the White House.Connect those dots - - the afore-mentioned Perry is the original swift-boating financier - - to grasp what has happened and why to Wisconsin after Walker "dropped the bomb" on public sector collective bargaining and thus his own state's middle class - - that memorable phrase is from his recorded call to the fake David Koch...
He did not make a direct appeal for donations, but a spokeswoman for Walker said he would meet with potential campaign supporters while in Texas. Texas homebuilder and conservative activist Bob Perry has given him $250,000
"Came home from the Super Bowl...had all of my cabinet was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb."...And you can see why Walker and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald need to be recalled so the state can be managed openly by Wisconsin people with liberty and justice for all.
I think 'recall' is too easy....'convicted and sentenced' is better
Convict and sentenced, really? For committing exactly what crimes?
Or do you simply like to imprison those who disagree with your political ideology ala; Castro, Chavez, Stalin and the other famous dictators...
I hope to hear your reasoning, but I know how people like you work...
You type, then think, then realize your foolishness, and then type some more to try and back up your ridiculous thought process.
unrelated to this post, but related to all of Reality - as a guy who presumably values "truth" or facsimiles thereof, fyi Google has been making some huge changes to the way they run their search algorithms etc. You can wade thru it is you care, or just be aware that Google's desire to compete in the "social media" market has caused them to make management decisions that change EVERYTHING. Including how search returns work. This is NOT the firs time Google has monkeyed w/ their search algorithms bu it has to be the hugest and as you'd say FUBAR-iest. I'd say its a BFBVFS and I'll start my lazy ass to looking around for what other search engine I might use, I've looked before but been un-moved. Not that I love Google so much but...
Here's a kind of rundown
p.s. "social media" sucks balls. in times past there were pockets on the web where it only sucked balls in relation to the crappy personalities you might meet, but now the PROFIT MOTIVE is all over it like stink on poo, Game Over.The profit motive is not some ultimate god to be injected into EV REE THING without ruining some of those things. I mean, how long till we start Parenting for Profit? anyways, Internet's being killed by BIZNISSSS. Give it a few more years and ppl will be leaving it in droves. I predict.
Reagan : you're over reacting. Can't you see there is still an incredible association going on now with Walker and the John Doe. Just think for a moment how Cullen W. may play a role in Walker's great fall. CW was Walkers right hand man all during Walker's gubernatorial campaign and now as chief mute spokesman has been granted immunity from prosecution in the John Doe.
Frankly- I'd like to recall the sociopath so slow down John Doe.
I'm overreacting?
Cbell23 was the one who is hoping for a conviction and sentencing, presumably without any knowledge or cause.
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