Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Concealed Carry Bumbling Exposes Thoughtless Legislative Process

Handling paperwork, hiring clerks, borrowing temporary workers and spending wildly to deal with concealed carrying permits is now job one at the Department of Justice.

That's what you get when the Legislature rushes through a bill to serve a special interest - - the NRA - - and an ideological agenda without accurate data or real-world plans to predict and manage the consequences.

We hear a lot from the Right about government needing to be run like a business, but exactly what business would get into a completely new line of enterprise without market research and a plan?

Would you hire a contractor to build your dream house without architectural blueprints, lot surveys, and a budget?


nonquixote said...

Thanks James,

I'm afraid the logical argument you propose is an appraisal that is simply too honest to ask of Wisconsin's current Republican politicians.

Reagan's Disciple said...

The only interest that was served here was the citizens of WI.

Now we have the same constitutionally protected rights that 48 other states have.

Paul Trotter said...

A common thread runs through the thinking behind the laws made by the Republicons. Act first - think later about the consequences.

Of course, when you hurry their sorry arses to write these bills in the middle of the night those pesky details are overlooked. Yet one would think they could work under a little recall pressure.

Paul Trotter said...

I feel so much safer and constitutionally satisfied I can't stand it any longer.

It's pure ecstasy. It's like having Ronald Reagan in bed with me or even better Jefferson. Oh the joy! The bliss of having that piece stroking my ego, so deprived over all these years.
God Bless America.

Reagan's Disciple said...

Glad that you are starting to come around Paul.

Are you thinking about a Glock, Sig-Sauer, S&W?

Hint: The cold steel feels much better than does the polymer framed bodies.

Paul Trotter said...

Not sure about that Reagan- I'll ponder that for a bit while I choose what kind of ammunition is best. What would you recommend?