Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A New Mining Bill? I Think Cathy Stepp Stuck A Fork In That

You can't get a bill through a divided State Senate at this point when the state's lead - - purportedly - -  natural resource regulatory spokeswoman publicly trashed the opponents who rightfully expected her agency - - the DNR - - to be the traditionally responsible and non-partisan leader on the issue it had always been.

Too quick to fire off emails and op-eds and talk radio appearances for partisan and political advantage, Stepp should step back from these issues, and for a long, long time, because as we speak, her credibility as a resource manager and honest broker in the public interest is at about zero.


Sue said...

What do you think would happen if, say, a local "Chamber of Commerce" director publicly attacked a significant portion of the C of C board?
And what would happen, if, say, in that attack the director made it clear where she stood in terms of potential future board members?
You want a Chamber of Commerce mentality, honey, you might want to behave like a Chamber of Commerce director.

Anonymous said...

Huh, so scolding legislators to do what they're told only works with the Republicans? Well, with all but one of the Republicans, anyway. And a Republican lackey of Walker scolding "Democrat legislators" is unlikely to suddenly make them want to vote with the Republicans?

Land sakes! Politics these days! Who knew?! Not Too-Chatty Cathy. I bet that she didn't know that the DNR in this state already was a target of the conservatives, even before Walker's steps that led to Stepp stepping right into it. Her fault, then, and her fail.

Gareth said...

Graduate of the Sarah Palin School of Public Policy?