Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fresh Lesson In 1% Privilege - - Or How To Beat OWI Penalties In WI

If you are the President of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Wisconsin, and you get pulled over in Fond du Lac for driving your Mercedes-Benz under the influence, just have the DA amend the charge to operating an airplane under the influence, and penalties applied to impaired motorists just fly away.

Think the DA will drop to jaywalking the ticket written to regular old you for speeding through a school zone?


Anonymous said...

And in the news story I read it was pointed out that the guy doesn't even have a pilot's license....

Anonymous said...

Keystone XL is back, and for good. http://www.mining.com/2012/02/27/oil-sands-producers-glass-is-half-full-after-keystone-xl-southern-stretch-okd/

Anonymous said...

How about all the 99%;s that have their DUI's dropped to speeding and know of many.. Or the 99%'s that have their domestic battery charges dropped to disorderly conduct and I also know of many of these.. As a counselor, I see this each day, yet for some reason you never dig into these? Why? Trying to sensationalize to prove your viewpoint? Or are you just too lazy to provide the entire story on all sides? Nevermind, I think I know the answer...

James Rowen said...

@Anon- - Are you suggesting that the situations you cite are resolved on the basis of privilege, and that there is nothing unusual about the case I cited?

Mitch said...

When I looked at the video, it started with an ad for Anthem-Blue Cross/Blue Shield.


Gareth said...

Getting OWIs reduced to lesser charges wasn't than uncommon...
40 years ago. But even then I think you were expected to tip the Judge.

James Rowen said...

The amended charge would have made sense if the operator cited were flying an airplane, but he was pulled over in his car.