Thursday, June 2, 2011

Romney The Latest Weak, Baffling and Doomed GOP Presidential Candidate

Mitt Romney, announcing today for the Republican presidential nomination, will find that voters will dismiss him as a rather plastic opportunist, without values beyond Oval Office dreaming.

When he was the Massachusetts Governor, Romney, as a progressive with business acumen, pushed through universal, mandated health care coverage there.

Now he opposes it - -  a rather substantial flip.

He also had said Republicans should be more supportive of gay rights, but now opposes gay marriage.

In other words, he is too willing to follow polls and compromise or overthrow his principles (sic) to stay with a party lurching harder and faster to the right.

In appearance and practice, Romney is stultifyingly similar to the used-up flip-flopper Newt Gingrich to find much useful support among the rabid conservatives who speak loudest and work hardest in Republican primaries.

And Independents will see him as even more boring and insubstantial - - a la the anti-charismatic Haley Barbour.

Look for Romney to fade, too.

Besides, he doesn't have fancy bus with the media in tow.

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