Monday, June 6, 2011

Never Admitting Error, Republicans Defend Their Wrongs - - This Time, Election Rigging

No surprise that Wisconsin Republicans will not apologize for or withdraw their efforts to rig recall elections by recruiting fake Democratic candidates.

Or even admit there's anything wrong with it:  this was GOP talk radio shill Charlie Sykes' take on the issue Monday morning for his AM 620 WTMJ listeners, too:

'So what?'

And this from the party that just pushed through the Legislature an unneeded Voter ID (read: suppression) bill to fix an election system that was not broken - - just not partisan enough in cities and on college campuses where Democrats vote to suit their one-party tastes - -  to fixing elections altogether.

Have they been studying election reform essays by deposed Soviet bloc commissars, or the Putin regime?

Here's how Putin works, according to this media report:

The Kremlin's opponents have long accused it of manipulating party politics from behind the scenes. They say one of the most common methods has been to use "fake" opposition parties to steal votes from their real rivals. (emphasis added.)
Sound familiar?

From George Bush and the unnecessary invasion of Iraq, to Paul Ryan's assault on Medicare, to Scott Walker's erasure of collective bargaining rights for public employees in Wisconsin, Republicans act recklessly and then stand fast, even when they are objectively wrong - - and
 never admit they have made a mistake - - regardless of the circumstances.

Or the consequences - - which for Walker and his election-meddlers should come as early as July 12, unless their straw candidate tactic creates fake primaries, thus pushing the recalled candidates' even-more-deserved defeats six weeks further down the road.

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