Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Dems Will Demand Weiner Leave

The party cannot take his story across the media along with John Edwards' at the same time.

Edwards they cannot control.

They can make Weiner resign.

It's that fundamental. And it can be said without a single stupid pun.


Jim Bouman said...

Send a group--three or four will do--who will intone these five words:

Max Max said...

Why? I can name you a few Republicans who have done worse and hung on. What Weiner has done (tweet pictures) is relatively minor compared to affairs, cover-ups, etc. that Republicans have done. Why is it okay if one is a Republican, but not if one is a Democrat?

James Rowen said...

Brian it's just politics. Not equity

Anonymous said...

Weiner should go immediately. His lack of remorse (what we are seeing is self-pity at being caught, nothing more) is exactly what you'd expect from the kind of person who would do stuff like this.
And more and more the excuse for horrifying behavior is for people to simply point to (in their view) worse behavior. In that scenario nothing can ever be wrong, because someone, even if it is the most depraved sadistic torturer, will have done something worse.

When a democrat or what passes these days as a "man of the people" lets down their supporters like this, it's just hard to express what a betrayal it is to people who believed in them, to whatever degree. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns. No one wants to be continually reminded of this every time you see the guy's face in the news.
With friends like these....

Anonymous said...

It sad but not surprising that both Brian and James believe this is just politics and inequitable.

What is bringing the Congressman from New York down is not the salacious aspects of the tweeting, but as is usually the case the cover-up.

Weiner’s pathological and on-going lying.

Guess it should not come as a surprise though that progressives such as yourself fail to see that, considering your own constant prevarications.


Mark @ Israel said...

It is expected that anyone who gets caught for bad behavior won't admit his wrongdoing so that's what Weiner is doing. But if his actions and words would hurt the party, the Senate and most of all the American people then, he should get out and the Dems should insist that he leaves. However, there should be a proper and unbiased investigation before making a decision.