Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wisconsin Assembly - - With Jeff Stone Voting "Aye," Passes Fake "Budget-Repair," Union-Busting Bill

So the State Assembly this afternoon fell in line again with Scott Walker's phony budget-repair bill - - which is now little more than a union-busting measure masquerading as the fiscal emergency budget-repair fix that it was first misleadingly labeled.

What passed were all the so-called non-fiscal elements - - like the squashing of collective bargaining rights - - so why were they in the budget-repair bill in the first place?

Note, please, that State Rep. Jeff Stone, (R-Greendale), continued his water-carrying for Walker with an "aye" vote, further cementing Stone's identity as anti-union, and anti-Milwaukee.

Voters in the April election for Milwaukee County Executive should remember Stone's Assembly vote and cast their ballots against Stone and in favor of Chris Abele for the county exec position.

Call Stone the second "domino," a precursor to the recall dominos lined up for Republicans like State Sen. Alberta Darling, (R-River Hills).

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