Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where Walker's No-Tax-Increase/Fee-Increase Budget Has Some Tax And Fee Increases

Scott Walker has said repeatedly that his budget does not raise taxes or fees.

Told that to the Associated Press.

So let's get past the talking points to the facts.

The budget says on page 49:

"Provide for modest annual tuition increases at University of Wisconsin System institutions to keep resident undergraduate tuition affordable without sacrificing quality."
I have heard and reported that number might be 8% a year for two years, so 16%+.

And look out when you hear Walker say modest.

So tuition is a not a fee?

Stop the word games.

And though Walker spins that his budget cut to a federal tax credit for low-income working families is not a state tax increase, it will raise state income taxes for some recipients.

The bottom line, I guess: students and the working poor are not people.

1 comment:

JB said...

We knew that, Jim. Women aren't either.