Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WalkerWorld Don't Abide Transit: Whiners - - Drive, Or Walk

You can tell that Scott Walker had a really bad time in Milwaukee County government.

Gawd - - all that talk, that dreary droning at the County Board, and by those advocates, too - - always about the buses and low-income people and disabled people and people who didn't have - - what? - cars!

All the while the poor set-upon County Executive-Cum-Governor was just trying to finish that Maple Bluff Mansion daydream. The one where he became the First Domino, but it was always "Save the buses!" - - and poof, the dream would go away.

We're learning that payback for the dream-killers is coming. More about that in a bit.

But back to what bored Walker all those years: that that wonky, wordy talk from some of the bus people about wanting to spread the pain, the virus to regional transit authorities? And they had this cooperation mantra, the one about linking workers to jobs?

Absurd. If you wanted a job - - like out at New Berlin's Industrial Park - -  you needed to drive there.

The dream and the dreamer himself didn't like that talk. All the phrases and rules and maps and the work and the syllables.

Same for that Jim Doyle/Barack Obama/Serve The Liberals-in-Madison train.

In WalkerWorld, or FitzWalkerstan, or wherever it is we are living these days you don't get no stinkin' trains or transit systems or dedicated funding because there's Interstate lanes to pave and freeways to expand and road-builders to party with.

Now The Dream is real and it comes with a plan.

The Plan.

The Plan drawn up for Walker has synced-up libertarian and conservative rationalizations offered by the Reason Foundation, and Heritage, and Cato, and the Tea Party and Karl Rove's shop - - and in the outrage of the day today The Plan lets Walker harpoon those bus and transit people with increased bus fares plus canceled mainlines. freeway flyers, festival runs, rides for the disabled and all that regionalism crapola through separate legislation, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

You transit people keep interrupting the dream, so how do you like me now, Walker is saying, with his legislative chorus of transit haters singing backup.

And if you don't like it, buy a car or lace up you boots, because Wisconsin is closed to transit.

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