Thursday, March 3, 2011

Walker, In Scripted Step Two Of Negotiating 101, Needs Shove Back

Scott Walker agrees to meet with Assembly Democratic legislative leaders after two months of "No," and giving notice - - "dropping the bomb" - - for the destruction of collective bargaining, Democratic accomplishments and public services as we know them.

Basically, Democrats are getting a meeting with a guy who has been behaving imperiously and speaking falsely (repeatedly) while saying, in effect, "I am destroying you. And have the power to do it."

Regardless of the meeting outcome - - and I don't care if Walker shows off his Charm School Leadership diploma with the full campaign-trail twinkle in his eye  - - the answer from voters has to be, "We won't negotiate to allow you to destroy us now, or more slowly, or more pleasantly. We are recalling and defeating you."

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