Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The John Birch Society - - 50's Throwback - - Is Alive And Well In Wisconsin

Decades ago, the John Birch Society was a discarded, far-right and conspiratorialist fringe group, but how many of you know that:

*  It moved to Appleton from Texas a few years ago, and is part and parcel of the national conservative movement.

*  Now has an Internet presence that is following events in Madison set off by Gov. Scott Walker's radical, right-wing and anti-union legislation - - which Birchers like.

*  The Koch brothers - - major Walker backers and super-wealthy national conservative financiers - - are sons of one of the Birch Society originals.

Maybe we should call Scott Walker a Bircher.

Not to be confused with Birther, though who knows?

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