Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chamber Of Commerce Turns Cartwheels Over Walker Budget

The Metropolitan Milwaukee (note the word order) Chamber of Commerce has become a partisan mouthpiece for Republican Scott Walker.

It raised big money used in Walker's campaign for Governor against the city's Mayor, Tom Barrett, then ran and hid when their boy killed the high-speed Milwaukee-Madison rail plan and the Talgo train-making jobs landed for Milwaukee's low-income 30th St. Industrial Corridor - - helping make a mockery of the word "Commerce" in their name and in Walker's "jobs, jobs, jobs" rhetoric, too.

Now MMAC President Tim Sheehy is blowing a sloppy wet kiss Walker's way with a news release lauding Walker's budget that shamelessly clucks over the group's class-warfare winnings.

Says Sheehy, larding on the talking point cliches, "I am extremely pleased that Governor Walker has been willing to make the tough choices today that will help build a brighter tomorrow for Wisconsin job creators."

The words "refreshing" and "honest" also appear in the statement.

Here is the link to the statement, and below are low lights of the MMAC's tacky celebration while people with far fewer resources and privileges remain flattened.

  • Tax relief - Mitigating the fiscal damage done to companies by combined reporting changes imposed last legislative session; encouraging investment in Wisconsin’s economy though Capital Gains Tax exemptions; strengthening job attraction tools like the Angel Investment Tax Credit and Jobs Tax Credit; and placing limits on property tax increases.
  • Education – Increasing the availability and flexibility of innovative, high-quality educational options in Milwaukee and the rest of the state.
  • Transportation – Accelerating construction and expansion of the Zoo Interchange; investing in Wisconsin’s freight rail infrastructure; and maintaining the state’s commitment to passenger rail service in the Milwaukee to Chicago corridor.

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