Monday, September 19, 2016

Christie answers Walker's query 'what kind of system do we live in...?'

You may remember that the irony-oblivious GOP Wisconsin Governor and dark money winner Scott Walker wandered deeper into his defining political and ethical quagmire when he asked, aloud:
"What kind of system do we live in...?" 
For Walker, and anyone who is or might pretend to be that uninformed about the country's super-rich and the arrogant, shielded politicians who service them, here's another clue which surfaced as the so-called 'Bridgegate' trial opened today in a New Jersey federal courtroom:
Chris Christie Knew About Bridge Lane Closings as They Happened, Prosecutors Say
Yeah, that guy - - the former Walker campaign trail best friend and GOP fellow-fundraiser/failed presidential candidate/scandal-escaping/current Donald Trump supporter. 
Walker and Christie illustrate what kind of system we live in, who gets the breaks and why they stick together:
Scott Walker gives Chris Christie a vote of confidence
Or, in a word, a Kleptocracy. 

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