Join us for the opening of this memorable exhibit at the
Urban Ecology Center
in Riverside Park, Milwaukee
Monday, April 8th
Reception 5 - 7 pm
Program at 6 pm
Free • refreshments will be served
- Special opportunity to meet some of the northern Wisconsin artists
- 1st Milwaukee viewing of art that will give you a sense of place of this beautiful wild area
- Update on the future of the Penokee Hills (along with the Bad River watershed and south shore of Lake Superior)

The Penokee Art Exhibit is a collective exploration by 20 artists from the region of the past, present, and possible futures for the Penokee Hills.
has erupted over the future of the Penokee Hills and whether a proposed
22-mile long open pit iron mine should be sited there. Through this
exhibit of artwork, history, and information, the artists invite you to
learn more about the area and to envision a sustainable future for it.
For a preview of the exhibit, visit
Thanks for sharing James.
Fire in the hole! Boooooooom: the blasting should start soon. The artists of GTAC will be sculpturing a little artwork of thier own and theirs will be an exhibit actually worth visiting.
I post a few of the more tepid comments from reactionary readers just to expose how deep "thier" animus runs.
As I have said elswehere on this blog and at the Purple Wisconsin platform, Wisconsin needs long-term educational efforts about the treaties and the state's constitutional water protections known as The Public Trust Doctrine, and leadership from political figures and opinion-makers to counter deeply-embedded ignorance and racism in the state.
@11:22: your mining dream will soon melt away with the spring snow atop the Ponokee Hills.
I used to think we had a pretty moderate state but I guess our deep divisions were exposed when the economy tanked. I am sorry for the folks who don't have the jobs and income they would like. I don't think that dragging everyone else down is the solution though and that is what Walker has done. People have lost jobs and wages have actually decreased since he was elected. I was born here but I won't die here in this sad and angry place.
Scott Walker has the distinction of dividing Wisconsin into the sad and angry place that it is today, but the liberals have taken this division and pulled it wide open by opposing even those bills which help utilize our minerals and help create employment. The crazy claims of destroying the environment helped to inflame the Indians to the point that they now wish to destroy the ability of the rest of us to enjoy our resources. This will now result in a movement against the special privileges they were given by Barbara Crabb and the Indians will then double down and kill even more fish and game just to piss off whitey and will continue to ignore the EPA and their own clean water act violations just to show that they can.
Responsible journalism would not keep making false claims about environmental destruction which helps inflame the situation, but the Madison liberals will show us once again who it is that are the real angry haters.
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