Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walker And His Tic Of Insincere Exaggeration

There's a manipulative little tic of insincere exaggeration in the language of our recall-embattled Governor.

I first saw it in a Bill Lueders interview,  referenced here, where Walker had to oversell the anti-union scheme he'd camouflaged in the 'budget-repair bill' by calling it a "modest, modest proposal."

One "modest" was deceitful enough, given the impact of Act 10.

But "modest" twice?

You're a guest at the new neighbor's barbeque. The host burns your burger.

Host: "How's your burger?"

White-liar you: "Really, really good."

Now we see this tendency again, when Walker feels the need to overly-dramatize his love for workers, despite what he'd just done to them in Act 10, and in what we know now he had planned in his larger, right-to-work strategizing.

In this posting about a One Wisconsin Now video (disclosure: I serve on OWN's issues, C-3 board and have no role in such video development), Walker is shown delivering a speech about appreciating the very workers he hammered with Act 10, and to validate his appreciation then tosses out:

"I really do."

What transparently phony and unconvincing sincerity.

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