Sunday, May 6, 2012

State Journal Scoops On DNR A Reminder About Traditional Media

The Wisconsin State Journal's veteran environment and science Ron Seely reporter has twice in a few days delivered major news stories about willful lapses in clean air and water enforcement by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Without the resources of a daily paper, you, and I the mere blogger, would not have seen these important stories, nor would you have had this information as the recall movement against Scott Walker takes shape:

DNR appointee resolved massive waste violation internally instead of referring case to DOJ

Shift in philosophy: DNR writing fewer tickets



Anonymous said...

Mere blogger my foot....

Say What? said...

and the JS still has this as a side bar as of 8:50 pm.

But the recalls are a waste of time md energy...

Are they really JS?

Imagine if Walker is left unfettered to rape our environment.