Rethinking Trump's penalty-free Fifth Ave. shooting boast
We remember that Trump infamously boasted "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

But will his voters still love him now that he's derailing Obamacare if the shooting victim can't find or afford health coverage for the cost of digging out the bullet, medications, physical therapy, etc.
Unless your name is Foxconn - - and here's the full Foxconn con.
Props to Citizen Action of Wisconsin for proposing a common sense solution to the looming health insurance crisis which the faux-flexible Walker, for ideological reasons, will ignore.
Meanwhile, over at Walker's personal Twitter page, three of these messages in 24 hours. As he might say, 'Our priority is WI...'

But will his voters still love him now that he's derailing Obamacare if the shooting victim can't find or afford health coverage for the cost of digging out the bullet, medications, physical therapy, etc.
More than 90% of [216,000] people who buy health insurance through the federally run exchange in Wisconsin receive subsidies that President Donald Trump is taking away...Lower-income Obamacare enrollees may still receive premium subsidies directly from insurers - -
But middle class Americans who earn too much to get premium subsidies could get walloped by higher rates.Having already turned down years of available Obama-era Medicaid expansion funding by the hundreds of millions of dollars, yet wanting to tie the program to intentionally-humilating drug testing, Wisconsin GOP Governor and leading state dog whistler Scott Walker's latest official tweet on the subject includes the lamentable and predictable campaign-trail buzzwords - -
Our priority is WI, not Washington. If necessary, we will seek greater flexibility from the fed to help lower costs for WI citizens - -- - and suggests Walker's answer to Trump's Obamacare bullying will mean less coverage for people who need it because Walker purports to believe less government is better.
Unless your name is Foxconn - - and here's the full Foxconn con.
Props to Citizen Action of Wisconsin for proposing a common sense solution to the looming health insurance crisis which the faux-flexible Walker, for ideological reasons, will ignore.
Meanwhile, over at Walker's personal Twitter page, three of these messages in 24 hours. As he might say, 'Our priority is WI...'
- Help move Wisconsin forward from your tree stand this hunting season. Claim your camo hat! …
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