Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fifty Million Shades Of Hypocrisy

The radio station in Wisconsin that has aired more Tea Party propaganda against the Fedrl Guvmint and given endless free campaign help to anti-Obama hammer Scott Walker momentarily suspended its right-wing ranting Friday to tell listeners President Obama is routing us the first installment of $50 million - -  and probably more later - - for emergency bridge repairs Walker requested.

He did the same thing with stimulus funds.

Noted on this blog years ago.

Oh - - Paul Ryan, too.


Anonymous said...

Is this a Interstate Highway?

James Rowen said...

State Highway 41.

Anonymous said...

gee, you blog for that propaganda machine -- journal communications.

There is no firewall between the screeching racist liars that blast propaganda 24/7 across Wisconsin inflaming racist hate towards the corporate hometown.

And the "purple" project, where you proclaim to be the "blue" is nothing but the lie of "objective journalism" -- that outright lies belong int he noooooze to "balance" things that can be objectively observed.

So thanks for pointing this important story out.

But not so much so fer the way you prop up the massive disinformation machine called journal communications.

James Rowen said...

As you have noted often here, and to which I say, repeatedly, you give me far too much credit directing the JS apparatus, and I post at Purple WI to get the word out, and to communicate with more than my allies.

JB said...

Correction, James. The Leo Frigo bridge is Interstate 43. It is the near the end of I-43, which has a terminus at US 41, a highway which continues to Marinette. But the bridge itself is still I-43.

Anonymous said...

YOu are misleading -- I never state nor imply that you have any leadership at journal communications.

My point is that by participating in the purple lie, you are enabling it.

But go ahead and continue to misrepresent the points and deny the truth behind what I am saying if you prefer.

Perhaps you do not have the ability or courage to directly challenge that propaganda machine -- you may think you are getting the word out -- IMHO, more harm is being done that good by participating.

But do what you want -- your blog invites comments.

You obviously don't welcome them all.

IMHO -- it is CRITICAL to make this about the right-wing noise machine and not the hypocricy of the morons that stand in FRONT of the microphones and cameras.

But you, evidently, disagree.

And you are a professional journalist with many years experience -- very curious indeed that you don't get it.

Gareth said...

noun \äb-ˈse-shən, əb-\

: a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal

CJ said...

Anon 4:42 said, "But go ahead and continue to misrepresent the points and deny the truth behind what I am saying if you prefer."

Anon- Please explain how Political Environment misrepresents points and denies truths?

I would resepctfully counter that the blog points out truths and facts not covered in mainstream media.

If you could pinpoint or illustrate a point to demonstrate your statement, it would be appreciated.

CJ said...

Anon 1:49.

What publications do you read? What news sources do you think present unbiased news? I am interested in knowing more because you seem so passionate and sensitive to the information presented here.

Peace and have a great day.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Can you imagine what a Chuckles Sykes and Icki McKenna would have been saying if this happened in 2007, let's say?

They would have been screaming for Prez Bush to tell Jim Doyle to "pound sand and pay for your own damn bridge!" But Dems and Obama don't play that way, and it's a telling separator.

I think we should follow up and see if all this federal money actually is going to this bridge and this bridge only. Remember how Walker pocketed the federal dollars for foreclosure aid, and later spent that surplus on tax cuts?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

God, you are a boring, one-note poster. Stop wasting our bandwith on this repeated, off-topic BS

CJ said...

Jake- I'm not expecting Anon to reply. But I offer them respect and hope they answer my questions.

It's been my experience that when you call someone out on what I would describe as an unsustainable rant and request a response to verify or back up their comments/position you get this: *...crickets...*

We'll wait and see.
If Anon is a troll, we won't be getting an answer.