Would America Buy A Used Car From Scott Walker?
The humility-starved Scott Walker is full of advice these days - - to Mitt Romney, and to all of Washington, DC - - but would you really entrust more governing to this guy:
Walker In 25-Year Loop Of Managed News
Emails reveal cooperation between 2010 Walker campaign, Milwaukee County staff
Walker transfers $100,000 to legal defense fund
Former lawmaker drops post in Walker administration for lobbyist job
By the way, the used car question was asked of another Walkeresque American politician who had Presidential ambitions:

This is a short story compared to the President's novel.
This is another footnote in rightist, reflexive conflation.
You really have no answer to Walker's pattern of lying and corruption, do you?
Grow some guts, own your boy's failure, and pick a screen name. Enjoy that Koch nickel.
It's called projection, James.
Besides, I think I would trust Nixon more than Walker.
Not that a self-proclaimed journalist would admit to the truth -- the lie of "objective journalism", but,a s always, you post really has nothing to do with walker and actually highlights how the dysfunctional right-wing media echo-chamber in Wisconsin has created the divisive environment that enable a divide-and-conquer governor.
But I guess anyone that is proud to be part of the journal communications propaganda machine and someone that has carried the water for corporate media for his entire career will never actually inform the public as to what is really happening.
Guess its more kewl to be the rock star that deflects attention from where the real problem lies.
None of this is about walker -- there are others that will promptly jump in front of the cameras, microphone, and the ignorant folks that call themselves "reporters".
To Anon 1:56 - - Now I'm a rock star! Thank you.
Scott Walker doesn't seem to have an opponent capable of doing anything better with a President worse than Carter in control of Washington.
The arguments made to oust him so far are frivolous drivel because none of the actions made an issue of are his doing.
'The arguments made to oust him so far are frivolous drivel because none of the actions made an issue of are his doing.'
And I cannot wait until he gets on a national stage and has his head handed to him on all the issues that he and the Wisconsin media have decided are 'not his doing'.
This will happen in the Republican arena. He won't make it out of the primaries.
Really. I cannot wait until someone FINALLY calls him on his bullshit.
Anon 10-19, 1:56 said: Not that a self-proclaimed journalist would admit to the truth -- the lie of "objective journalism",...but,a s always, you post really has nothing to do with walker and actually highlights how the dysfunctional right-wing media echo-chamber in Wisconsin has created the divisive environment that enable a divide-and-conquer governor....
[...actually highlights how dysfunctional right wing media echo-chamber in Wisconsin has created a devisive environment....]
Glad you said it. Just reinforces what we already know. Your words describing right wing media are telling. Thank you.
@Sue- Amen sister.
a President worse than Carter in control of Washington.
Odd how a majority of voting Americans seem to disagree.
the rightwing have been trying to stick the Carter label on Obama since before he was elected. Yet Obama has been an effective and successful President, accomplishing many laudable things (not the least of which is killing Bin Laden, which your boy never managed, even let him go at Tora Bora. I guess a dead terrorist is worth less than a live fear vector to the Right).
Careful, CJ. I think this particular Nonnie is the one who has a particular axe to grind against the Journal-Sentinel (not completely undeserved, mind you) and through blame by association, every other newspaper and journalist in the world.
James is a particular bee in his bonnet because of his free and occasional blog content on the JS website.
Of course, there is never any actual refutation of any of James' actual journalism, either here or at the JS; merely "they pay you so you are wrong!"
Wow Scotty looks like he updated his wardrobe in that js op ed. Must have visited one of those jos a. bank stores which advertise on wtmj radio. The American flag on his lapel is a give away for his Washingtonian ambitions. Wisconsin is a stepping stone for this uneducated buffoon of an executive. He'll never make it out of Wisconsin.
Excuse me? Did I misunderstand what the world was told? Obama killed Bin Laden?
Wow, I've seen the staged pictures of him holding a shotgun pretending to skeet shoot. Now Zombie has a world news scoop that it wasn't the assault team of elite US fighting forces whom killed Bin Laden, it was actually our President?
Hail to the great leader!
What else has he done that we should remember his time in office?
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