Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eric Hovde's Annoying, Plain Awful Ads

Internal polls can be as reliable as peanut butter on car rust, but hedge fund veteran Eric Hovde would have you believe he can buy a Republican US Senate convention endorsement as easily as did Ron Johnson.

Or frighten enough convention delegates and voters into electing him.

In this ad about the national debt, the following phrases are strung together: 

"alarming...default...collapse...depression...massive inflation...destroy our quality of life...damaged beyond repair...before it's too late."
Hemlock, please!

For those of you not of the Republican persuasion, but who believe in democracy, contemplate Senators Johnson and Hovde - - now get to work for Tammy Baldwin.


Ellen Kozak said...

Probably as annoying as his message is his pronunciation. The ad that ends with "but you and I kin" is particularly annoying.

Anonymous said...

Not only annoying but apparently he's been living large off government subsidies, bailout funds and general govt teat suckling while campaigning against it. Regardless of your party affiliation, you should realize that Eric Hovde represents everything that is wrong and corrupt with the current political/business relationships in the USA.