Anti-Walker Candidates Out-Poll Walker, Reports Indicate
Wed a.m. update: Sachin Chheda
100% in, Barrett + Falk + Vinehout + La Follette + Kohl-Riggs: 685,356. Walker + Huber: 631,380
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Wed a.m. update: Sachin Chheda
Posted by
James Rowen
12:17 AM
Some unknown number of Republicans, however, voted in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, attempting to elect someone they perceived as a weak candidate.
OK, but we still have to get about twice that number in the vote in June.
BadgerBob. Yes you are right. I know 2 of them personally. And that makes @zombie comment even more important.
Correct, and the republican presidential candidates out-polled Obama 780,000 to 300,000 votes so what is your point?
It means absolutely nothing considering the Republicans didn't have a seriously contested primary and didn't even need to show up. If anything, democrats should be concerned. They got as many people to the polls as the republicans who had nothing to vote for.
Apparently, Scott Walker disagrees with you, RD, as his financial team tried like hell to boost turnout.
I do like this, though:
" the republicans who had nothing to vote for."
How rude of you to call Scott Walker a "Nothing"!
Although it doesn't matter (except to you democrats who get all excited because 5 of your candidates received a few more votes than the Governor, who wasn't even concerned with this vote) Perhaps you guys should read James Wigderson's article on Waukesha Patch.
It is pretty eye opening as to who the likely voters were in tuesdays election.
Apparently you don't understand the primary process or the voters mindset. In an uncontested primary, there is really nothing to show up for. Walker was winning his side and the battle was between Barrett and Falk (if you consider it a battle since Falk couldn't even win her home precinct.)
Thanks for the Explaining Voice! Heh.
All those 600,000 Walker voters must sure be dumb, to waste their time then, huh?
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