Friday, October 14, 2011

Milwaukee Expects A Lot Of Water-And-Development Information From Waukesha

It is not a surprise that Milwaukee is asking Waukesha for a great deal of water-sale-related data and facts, but does indicate how high and intricate are the planning and development hurdles Waukesha has to meet if it wants Milwaukee to sell it water.

And that is if...if...if...all eight Great Lakes states approve Waukesha's application for Lake Michigan water diversion, conservation and waste water discharge plans.

I have previously posted the Milwaukee Common Council resolution, #080457 that lays out what Milwaukee needs to see and hear from Waukesha on several policy matters, and here is a link to the full text.


Anonymous said...

Water for agreeing to regional transportation to include a light rail system is in order.

James Rowen said...

@Anon: There is a certain logic to that, but it will never happen.

Anonymous said...

Resolution 080457 is a fantasy for Milwaukee alderman. Milwaukee needs the money more than Waukesha needs the water. Milwaukee alderman should just pretend they never really meant it to be and kiss the toes and rings of the Waukesha Common Council. That's what it's going to take to make any deal happen, like it or leave it.