Thursday, February 10, 2011

Walker World Double-Speak

Scott Walker, Inc. says everything is on the budget-cutting butcher block, including bonding authority for public land purchases - - but he's still committing $1.7 billion in borrowing and spending to rebuild and expand the Zoo Interchange reconstruction and expansion, please Waukesha Republican voters and satisfy the road-builders.

What, you say? Isn't that what we call a contradiction?

Or worse, spin, or a fib?

Truth is, everything is not on the table.

Principally what's on the table are programs that help cities, which, coincidentally are where most Democrats live - - social services programs, health care programs, revenues to local governments and schools, public sector collective bargaining rights and compensation, transit investments, environmental protections and voting rights.

In the Walker era, city residents are fast becoming second-class citizens as Reince Priebus positions Walker and Congressional pal Pail Ryan as national models.

1 comment:

George Carns said...

Check out the great post yesterday, February 9th, about high-speed rail at The post by Josh Marshall is headed "SLIDESHOW: The Future...Just Not Here."

The slideshow itself is titled:

Jealous Yet America? European And Asian Nations Speed Ahead on High-Speed Rail Networks

Jealous? Yes...